Eating. It's essential to our survival and yet it's also social. And enjoyable. So, sometimes we tend to fall into the trap of eating when it's not entirely necessary. Perhaps we're at a social engagement and we feel that it's expected or polite... (Read More)
Nature is powerful. Research has proven time and again that those who spend even just a moderate amount of time in the outdoors experience a host of benefits such as improved mood, better connection with friends and neighbors and a reduction in... (Read More)
Houseplants are becoming all the rage! And, there is a good reason for it, too. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing and provide an amazing ambiance for your space, but they are also full of health benefits! Studies on the benefits of... (Read More)
It's that time of year when the sun calls to us and we may end up spending a little too much time catching the rays without adequate skin protection. Skin protection is so important to not only help reduce early aging, lines, and wrinkles but more... (Read More)
Ahhh, your feet are up, the sun is shining and there is new scenery to enjoy and to explore. You feel relaxed. You feel happy. You feel eager to explore and to enjoy each day. You're on a trip! Is there something more than just a perceived benefit... (Read More)
Have you ever experienced the elated feeling of finishing a workout? There’s nothing like a jog in the open fresh air or a great spin class to get those happy feelings flowing. Thoughts often become more clear and problems that have been plaguing... (Read More)
Good health begins in the gut. If this seems a bit far-fetched to you, think about all that happens during digestion. From the moment food touches your lips (whether it be a Hostess cupcake or a baby carrot) a series of physiological responses... (Read More)
Journaling has been around for ages. In fact, many of the ancient texts we have were a version of someone's journal who had the discipline and desire to record their thoughts and feelings as well as to keep a record of current events, family culture... (Read More)
Do you consider yourself someone with a sweet tooth? To be fair, our society relies heavily on this ingredient, to the tune of around 17 teaspoons of added sugar a day per person. That's far above the recommended amount. Sugar consumption in the... (Read More)